Create a music site for people to upload their songs to share with the world. Think YouTube mixed with Facebook undiscovered singers. Key features:
Logo on the top left of the page
Search feature at the top right
Featured video as the next row down. This video should be larger than the others. To the right of this will be the artists bio.
Below this should four rows with three videos each. The titles for the first three videos should be "Newest", "All Time High Views", and "Lab Choice".
The next nine videos(as you scroll down the page) should be labeled #1-9. Later on we will enter music categories(Rock, acoustic, classical, indie, ect)
View counter on each video plus like/dislike feature
Profile picture top left corner.
Artist name followed by Bio in the top center of the page
Tags(for search feature) in the top right. City, college, country, name, musical style, musical inspirations(artists they take after), song names.
Four rows of of two videos and an audio track. Basically two columns of video and one column of audio(refer to artist profile picture). The headings for these would be the song name.
View counter on each video plus like/dislike feature
One of the key features of this site will be the functionality of how the users create a profile, upload videos to that profile, and then how we approve those things before they are posted on the actual site. I'm sure there is a WordPress feature that takes care of this, because I'm sure this is a common feature on social media and video sites.
User profile creation page:
User creates username and password
Upload profile picture
Artist name
Artist bio
Upload video
Upload audio tracks
Search features. City, college, country, name, musical style, musical inspirations(artists they take after), song names, mood(they will describe the song with a mood. Happy, sad, love, upbeat, angry, relaxed, fast, slow, dance)
Networking feature. This is a box where they can put what they are looking for. Example: "I have a band and and we are looking for a drummer in the Miami, FL area." or "I am an acoustic singer looking for gigs in local cafes, bars, and music festivals in the Los Angeles area". They will also put their contact info here.
Admin approval page:
This is the step where we approve the artist profiles and where we decide the videos for the home page
Programmer should use a popular web design program like wordpress or Pligg and not write own code.
I have drawings of what the site will look like, and I will show you when we meet. And I would like to see previous sites that you developed.
Starting On: July 1, 2011
Ending On:
Posted On: June 28, 2011 01:28 UTC
ID: 101765836
Category: Web Development > Web Programming
Skills: Making complete website
Country: Philippines
Hours Billed: 0.00